Friday, April 10, 2009

Spoke too Soon Update

There was a miscommunication this morning, so this post is provide an update and correct some misinformation from the previous post.

The nurses tried four times to put the feeding tube in; however, the swelling in his throat made that impossible. Despite this minor setback, Brandon is still stable and critical.

He looks much better than he did yesterday - he's a swollen and beat-up Brandon, but now he looks like Brandon.

Mariko, Logan, and the entire Rowe Clan


  1. I wanted to thank everyone so much for all of the hope, prayer, thoughts, visits and positive thinking for Brandon. I know in my heart that he will recover from this. Everything happens for a reason. Something good will come of this, I know it. Please continue to drop by the hospital (McKay Dee) and visit with us. I tell Brandon about everyone who visits. Brandon is doing better every day. His swelling has been the same since the original CT Scan, and when they take him off sedation (just a little bit), he responds very well. They are concerned that he doesn't respond to commands (like squeeze your right hand), but they said he is very sedated still, so that could be why. We don't know what affect this will have on his brain, but with everyone's positive thinking and love, he will make a full recovery. I have no doubt of that. I want Brandon to see how many people love and care for him, so please post anything you can and let him know how much you care about him. THANK YOU!

  2. So glad Brandon's looking a little better today. Simon & I are praying for a full recovery, and are thoughts are with you and the sweetie Logan. Love, Cami

  3. You guys are in our thoughts. Brandon must be have a strong will, i know his wife ;).

    Love Si & Erin

  4. I just want you to know you are in my prayers brandon, mariko and logan. let me know anything i can do for you. I know you three can get through this. When things are back to normal we need to get together again. I really do love you guys as neighbors. I am very glad brandon is improving!
    love, Jen Boothe

  5. Mariko, I'm so impressed with your positive attitude. Brandon needs that so much right now. We are all pulling for you, Brandon. Never give up! And Mariko, PLEASE ask if you need anything at all. We love you, Rowe Family!

    Kylee Jensen Meurer and Family

  6. Brandon, Mariko, & Logan...
    We love you all very much and have each of you in our daily prayers.

    Brandon, you are a strong willed person and will pull through this in time.

    Mariko, you are a loving and kind person with such a positive attitude. This type of attitude is felt by all you come in contact with. We are here to support you during the waiting time and recovery time later!

    Logan, what a beautiful child you are (it couldn't be any other way with the looks of both your parents)! It is great to hear you call for your "dada". He will be home with you soon to give you loves and kisses!

    Again, our prayers and thoughts are with you always!

    Love, Dan & Janette Rowe and children (Rosalee & D.J.)

  7. Mariko,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you, Brandon, & Logan. Hoping for a very quick recovery, and that you'll have all of the love and support you need -- you have an awesome family and I know they'll be a great help and strength to you.

    Pamela Johanson & Family

  8. Brandon, we were up to the ICU waiting room last night. We didn't come to see you but to be near you and Mariko. You would be so proud of Mariko, she is so strong, we know she is crying inside but she shows us only the face of positive loving determination. Your in our prayers through out ever hour. Our thoughts drift to our daily chores but very soon center back on you and what your going through. Brandon, we love you and feel such a stong bond with you and Mariko. We know how strong you are!!! We love you so much!! Dave and Corey

  9. I wanted everyone to know I had a dream last night that Brandon was awake, and he was crying. He said to me you took care of me, you love me, you took care of me over and over. He couldn't stop kissing me. It was wonderful!!!!!!!

  10. Hey brandon Tim is gone right now in Japan but he wants you to know that you are in our prayers. We care about you both so much! We know that you will make it though this stronger then ever! I know that you have the best caregiver anyone could ask for. I know mariko will help you recovery faster than anyone. We can't wait till your better and we have you over for another bbq this summer, and you still owe tim a fishing trip:) You are always in our thoughts and prayers. We love you all! We will be seeing you soon.
    Love Liz, Tim, Lexie, Grace, and Parker

  11. Brandon-
    There is not one minute when you are not in my thoughts and prayers. You are such a kind, loving, strong person and I know that you will pull through all this. We all cannot wait to see you! Much love to you and your family. Love, Sister Roma

  12. Brandon, Mariko, and Logan,

    We have never met, but wanted to let you know that you have been in our thoughts and prayers. It was a very special experience to participate with the West Point 1st Ward in a fast for Brandon. May the Lord bless your family as you work through this very challenging time.

  13. Dear Rowe Family,
    We are new in the area.We wanted you to know we fasted for you on sunday with the many others in the ward and were praying for you and your family. What a wonderful place to live with so many people with a deep concern for you. Look forward to meeting you. Get Better Real Soon!!!Love Hugh and Shelley Sandall
