Monday, April 13, 2009

Brandon Woke Up!

The doctors are slowly taking him off the medicine that has kept him in a coma since Thursday. He can speak and move.

Brandon's initial reactions were to try to take the breathing tube out and to mumble a couple of highly appropriate expletives - the best ones to say when you wake up in a hospital room with tubes and IVs running in and out of you - and he said "help me, somebody help me."

More to come later.


  1. Great news! It's good to hear that he's having no trouble speaking. Is he aware of where he is and what happened?

  2. That is wonderful news! Way to go, Brandon!

  3. Great news! Brandon use an Expletive?? never. glad he's coming around, i'll have to come visit soon. love and hugz cliff j

  4. Ryan Richman and FamilyApril 13, 2009 at 10:22 AM

    Keep it up buddy!!! GREAT NEWS! I have so many questions. We will come up and see ya tonight and talk with Moreko. I don't believe they will let us see ya but know we are thinking of you and praying for you.

    The Richman's

  5. I am encouraged by his ability to speak and react to things. Considering the last thing he probably remembers is driving home, and now he wakes up and has 9 bottles of goo going in and out of him, a breathing tube jammed down his throat, I'm pretty sure I'd be yelling too. Not knowing where he is and why he's must be incredibly upsetting. Hopefully having a familiar face there helped a great deal. Please keep us up to date. We're planning on hanging out again tonight at the hospital.

    Hang in there Mariko, and we love you Brandon, please get well soon.

    Todd & Tom

  6. What good news! That's got to be reassuring, knowing it's the same old Brandon. :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Way to go Brandon!! We can only imagine how frightened he must have been initially. Please tell him we love him and are thinking of him ALL THE TIME!! We are just leaving to go up to be with Mariko for a while and to send some energy into the ICU for Brandon!! Corey & Dave

  9. that's awesome news. Having a potty mouth means he is defnitely with it.

    Love Si

  10. I am way under the weather today bro...otherwise I would come up... ? Don't need to pass this crap on, you have already been through to much. I am glad you are doing better. Hang in there, and continue to be strong and patient....

  11. AWESOME!! I am so glad he woke up and is able to speak and move!!! Keep going Brandon!! Love you guys.
    Courtney and Haley!

  12. that is great news!! I can't wait until i am able to see you. Brandon i think you are already getting to your old self. We all miss you and love you. Mariko i bet that if i saw you, you'd have on a big smile today!!
    jen boothe

  13. Freaking awesome!! We will be leaving soon to get up there, Love Tom and Kenz

  14. God thats awesome!!! I have a few expletives ive been wanting to say as well. I'm so excited he's speaking and is coherent!!!
    --Taylor Lamont
