Friday, April 10, 2009

Brandon's Condition: Update 4/10/09

Friends and Family,

Brandon is in stable but critical condition. We, the doctors, the nurses, and Brandon are in a holding pattern at the moment so that the medical staff can track his head trauma.

They were able to put a feeding tube in today. This is good news - it means his stomach is no longer filled with blood and that he is able to metabolize food.

We appreciate all of the love, support, and prayers that have been offered to our family. Thank you for your concern and caring.

To the medical staff at McKay Dee hospital, thank you for your diligence, kindness, compassion, and professionalism.

Many Thanks,
Mariko and Logan, and the rest of the Rowe Family


  1. Just checking to make sure the comment tool works. Love you guys.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Our thoughts and family prayers are with at this time.
    Claudy and family

  4. Keep up the fight Brandon! Just don't fight everybody. =) You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Mariko if you need anything let me know.
    Jed and family

  5. Mariko and family, we haven't ever met, but I hear about you and Brandon all the time from Tom and Todd. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    The Fresh Family

  6. Brandon you are so strong and loving i know that you are fighting for your baby and your wife and your family Keep it up buddy. Mariko no matter what im here for you


  7. Ryan Richman and FamilyApril 10, 2009 at 5:34 PM

    Brandon, if I had to pick someone out of everyone that I have met in my life that could pull through this, it would be you. You are strong enough to do this in so many ways and we know you will. As soon as they let me see you, we will be there . We love you and can't wait for the day I can stop communicating to you through a blog. You are in our prayers and we will see you all soon.

    Love The Richman's

  8. I love you and miss you Rowes. My prayers are with you. I know how strong and stubborn of a fighter you are B-rowe...I will be heading up as soon as I can. Hang in there guys.

  9. jered sewell and familyApril 11, 2009 at 8:57 AM

    Hang in there bud, we miss you! You and your family is in our thoughts and prayers! Cant wait to se you and the family and be able to hang out again!

  10. Oh my that is a wonderful dream! Brandon when you read these and I know you will I want you to know that your love for Mariko was such an inspiration to me. And Mariko many times gave me strength when i felt alone. You two have the love to bring each other through anything. Keep up the fight buddy.


  12. Hi this is Brandons aunt Alice we were by yesterday and we hope and pray all will be alright for you and your family.We love you and our prayers are with you all.

  13. Brandon you have always been kind to my wife and I. I appreciate your friendship and admire your work ethic. Stacy and I have been through a wave of emotions with this ordeal you have been faced with. You have a great wife who has been there for you the entire time. We hope and pray to see you up and around soon so we can take the families up camping again. Hang in there Mr.

    Adam Martinez
