Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Snowy Tax Day Update

Brandon seems to be improving more and more each day but he becomes easily overwhelmed. Some of you might have thought that Brandon was back to normal, but he is not and only time will tell if he will ever completely heal. At times he thinks he is at work: he will delcare things that he has to do to complete his jobs for the night. On other occasions, he does not recognize people. He is frustrated that he has to stay in the hospital. To compound that frustration, he has to be reminded what happened to him. Therefore, it is important to schedule visits with Miks, Ed, and/or Judy so that Brandon will not get frustrated or overwhelmed during this critical recovery period.

We truly appreciate all the friends and family who have come to visit, we just need to schedule the visits now to ensure as speedy a recovery as possible for Brandon. Thank you, everyone for your time and efforts in supporting us.

I'm going to shift the focus on this blog for a bit and talk about Brandon's wife and my sister, Mariko. Miks, please don't be mad.

Miks, anyone that has been around you for the last six days knows about your tremendous strength and courage. You are my hero, my rock, and my role model. I am so very, very proud of you, amazed by you, and grateful for you. I am sure that Brandon, once he can articulate his emotions and thoughts more, will echo my sentiments.

Love you, Miks!

"Courage is grace under pressure."
-Ernest Hemingway


  1. Brandon, it was so good seeing on Tue. I am so proud of you and how strong you are in this tough situation... Keep fighting hard man and you will be out of the hospital in no time! Mariko, your courage and strength through all this amazes me! Keep fighting strong for him! Hope your little boy Logan is making through this hard time and wish him the best through all of this! Much love Matty R

  2. Mariko,
    I am proud of you for continuing to be so strong during this time. You are doing great. I am glad to be neighbors with you. I am not normally a huge blog fan but i love the blog in this case. I try and check it 2x a day just in case of the updates. This was a great idea. I am proud of how well brandon is recovering so far. I hope you see you soon Brandon.
    jen boothe

  3. I am glad that Brandon is improving day by day. I would feel better if he was not fading in and out and not having some of the memory issues. But considering what he's been through and how much he probably got bounced around after being ejected, it's certainly understandable.

    We hope he continues to improve.

    Tom and I have backed off the visits for now so we don't add to the confusion. But he is still in our thoughts constantly.

    Please let us know if you or Brandon need anything and we're there.

    We love you!

    Todd & Tom

  4. We are happy to hear of Bran's progress. I am not suprised at his confusion and frustration. This accident only happened 1 week ago.
    Mariko, Bran is so lucky to have you to guide him through this. I have had to deal with this same thing with other friends recovering from car accidents, and Bran's recovery has been nothing short of a miracle. He will be back to normal.Remember, He has been under ALOT of drugs and it will take a little time for hime to straighten his thoughts out. Things will be alright.We Love you all and as I promised you, we will do absolutely anything to help while Bran recovers, and HE WILL RECOVER.
    Love you all
    Corey and Dave

  5. Mariko, So sorry to hear you have to be going through this. Hope all progresses well. It's good to hear he's responding already.

  6. Mariko, So sorry to hear you have to be going through this. Hope all progresses well. It's good to hear he's responding already. Kitty K

  7. Our most cherished son, Brandon,
    You are in our thoughts constantly, the morning we received the call we were immediately on our knees raising our supplication to Heavenly Father to heal you completely and to guide those that would work with you, that they would be inspired by his spirit to know what and how to do the things so that you will return to your full capacity. To be able to share the rest of your life with Miks and the "cuddle-bug" Logan, to share butterfly kisses, smiles and the good things in life! We could not ask for a greater son than what you have proven to be!!! Keep fighting, have faith that you will heal and feel the positive energy and prayers of those that are praying and exercising their feelings on your behalf! Miks we stand in awe of you and what you and Brandon have been able to accomplish. Both of you have such a wonderful "CAN DO" attitude!! As we have told you in the past, Don't ever give up, keep fighting and the spirit will bring you through!!! We LOVE all three of you Eternally and we will never stop saying our prayers for you and your success!!!
    Dad and Mom Lewis (You are like a son to us!!)

  8. Hey Guys.
    I am so glad that Brandon is recovering day to day!! It was really good seeing both of you on Tuesday. I keep praying for a fast recovery!! Keep it up Brandon.
    Love you guys
    Court and Hay
