Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Late Post

Sorry for the late update.

Brandon is still in and out of consciousness a lot but he is able to speak a little and carry on small conversations. He can get tired and overstimulated (in much the same way a toddler does) which overwhelms him. Because of this, it is important to schedule visitors so that he isn't trying to take in too much at one time. If you would like to visit Brandon, please let Mariko know so that she can make a quasi-schedule to ensure that he is not overwhelmed or overstimulated.

DO NOT call the hospital and ask for Brandon, there are security measures in place to protect him and his family. So, if you want an update check here. If you want to visit, call Miko, Ed, or Judy.

On another note, Mariko was able to feed Brandon a little broth today. YAY!

The posts will not come up until the afternoons now. So, do not worry if something is not posted in the morning.

"We are shaped and fashioned by what we love."

- Johann von Goethe


  1. Brandon I don't know you but my prayers are with you and your family. and hope you come out of this as good as new. It may take some time but you will reach this point sometime soon.

  2. Brandon when I first heard about you the first thing I thought of was what a stubborn S.O.B. you are and this thing wouldn't keep you down. Keep fighting, me and Kat's prayers are with you. We care for you greatly.

  3. Brandon- It was so good to see you yesterday! It warmed my heart to see you doing so well. I'm so glad that Matty got to sit down and talk to you for a minute. You are in my thoughts always!
