Saturday, April 11, 2009

Excellent News: 4/11/09

Mariko got spend two hours with Brandon today - the best two hours she has had in a long time.
- Thank you, Nurse Mavis!

She met with the doctors and was shown an x-ray of his chest; the hole in his lung does not appear on the x-rays which means it has healed or is healing rapidly.

The doctors took him off the medication that controls his blood pressure. Meanwhile, his brain shows no signs of further swelling and his stitches and areas of other swelling are much improved.

When they take him out of the coma around Tuesday, they will probably take him off of the respirator.

Mariko had a chance to look at his body today and his abdomen is almost cut-free and bruise-free.

He is doing well. Your positive thoughts and prayers have surely come to Brandon's rescue.

All Our Love and Thanks,
Miks, Logan (Mr. Chub-Chub), and all of the Rowes


  1. Glad to hear that things are going better. I didn't even know that there was a hole in his lung. I am glad that there is no swelling of the brain. I know if I was getting this much attention my head would be swelling...(JK). Shows that Brandon is a better man then I am. Thinking about all three of you through out the day and the rest of the family. Oh, and Brandon, don't think this means I am going to go easier on you the next time we play some Texas Hold'm.

  2. YEAY! That sounds fantastic! Still praying....You can dooooo eeet!

  3. i am thrilled to hear all the progress. thanks so much for keeping us all in the loop. let me know if there is anything that i can do for any of you. i love you mariko, i hope brandon will soon see all of this support and know that your family is loved by many..... taylor lamont

  4. I am glad brandon is doing better.If there is anything i can do for brandon or the family please don't hesitate to call me day or night...all my love!....cliff j

  5. We knew that with Mariko's love and the thoughts and dreams of Logan running around his head, that Brandon is doing all he can to fight this terrible thing that has happened to him. We will continue to pray and have the best thoughts for a fast recovery!! Bran, Corey and I love you man, your like a brother to Corey and a Son and very special friend to me!!! Dave and Corey

  6. Today was such an exhilarating day! I can't begin to describe how positive I feel about Brandon's progress. I know that all of these positive thoughts and energy have really helped him. Thank you all again!

  7. We are so happy to hear that his lung is doing better. We didn't know he even had a punctured lung, so that is truly good news. Actually we probably don't know everything that is wrong at this point, but we'd rather concentrate on the positive things anyway.

    We're planning on visiting again tomorrow.

    Positive thoughts!
    Todd & Tom

  8. I am so grateful for Brandon's recovering health, but I miss him so much. It's so much easier to hold it together during the day, seeing him in the hospital, but when I get home, it's like a ton of bricks hits me. Brandon isn't home, he can't play with Logan, Logan misses him, I can't kiss him, cuddle him with him, tease him, fight with him, nothing. It hurts my heart so much. Nights are bad for me. I come home to my messy house and think, I can do it, I can clean, do laundry, take care of Logan, take care of my dogs. Then I think about all of the things Brandon would have done for me if he would have been home today. Even though I work far fewer hours than he does, he still managed to clean the bottles, clean the kitchen, straighten up the house, anything he could to make it easier on me when I got home. This is even after he only got about 6 hours of sleep doing a very physical job and took care of our son all morning and afternoon long. My heart hurts so much. Sometimes I think it's too much to bear. I know Brandon will come out of this and everything I said earlier is true, it's just so hard to be without him. To know I can't have a conversation with him and to know he's in so much pain and I can't do anything about it. God, I miss him.

  9. Brandon, this is matthew, me the friends my family everyone is here for you and we miss you so much... so good to hear things are turning out for the better and not worse... I will continue keeping my watch on you and keeping you close to heart and mind... Much love to your family as well as this is i am sure the toughest thing ever! Love you Brandon! STAY STRONG AND KEEP F'N FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Great news! Anything positive is encouraging. I have a good feeling that he's going to pull through this just fine. I'll keep thinking of him and checking in on this site to see how he's progressing. Stay strong, everyone.

  11. Mariko Im so so sorry you are feeling this I could not even begin to imagine what you must feel but i know you girl and you can and you will make it with the help of others and the thoughts of everything he did for you is just a reminder of what you have to look forward to when he is all better. this fight you have been fighting will be over and you and Brandon will be stronger than ever before. Anything you need I will be there...DLacie. Brandon! Keep it up man you are a fighter for sure! wow the good news yesterday proves that! yeay......
